Thursday, August 16, 2012

Taming the Hormonal Monster!!

I teach high school biology.  I am surrounded by high school girls all day, everyday.  The other day in the hall during passing period I heard a girl being really hateful to her boyfriend.  She screeched at him, calling him a "selfish, conceited pig!"  This is not the way this young woman normally acts.  Typically she is a sweet girl and they are a sweet couple.  I have no idea what made her say that to him but as he walked away I smiled at him and he mumbled something about hormones.  (I have had both of these students in class and we learn about hormones.)  This little incident got me to thinking.... I wonder if hubby has ever walked away from me mumbling about hormones?  I wonder if I have ever called him hateful names and screeched at him because of hormones?  Who am I kidding?  Of course, I have!  And I admit that sometimes in my hormonal fog I felt completely justified in doing so.  You've surely been there too....For me, it usually goes something like this.....

I have spent the afternoon fixing a delicious dinner of frozen lasagna, bagged salad, and garlic bread from the bakery.

I are completely exhausted and in need of a hot bath and a pan of brownies with a jug of milk.

I call the family to the table.  Finally... they gather around and my sweet hubby says a prayer of thankfulness for the food and asks that blessings for Great-Aunt Ida who had pneumonia two months ago (and.... is FULLY recovered!)  and his college room mate's grandfather who lost his 17 year old poodle. (He's never met the grandfather or the poodle and hasn't seen the room mate in 5 years!)

Meanwhile, I begin to seethe because my lasagna is getting cold!!!!  

Finally..... he says "Amen"!

The boys begin to pass the food, scooping heaping helpings of their favorite dinner and...... Dropping globs of greasy, cheesy tomato sauce..... on my NEW placemats!

Hubby has the nerve to ask if me we have any FRESH Parmesan cheese!  He will get it, just tell him where it is.... Oh and where is the cheese grater?

Suddenly I feel her bubbling up..... the green, hateful, hormonal hag!

You must be kidding?! How long have you lived in this house?!  Must I do everything?!  Why can't you just be satisfied with the stuff in the green jar?! It's already on the table! Whatever I do, it's never enough!!!!  Never mind!  I'll get it!  Just go sit down and eat your dinner!!

I march into the kitchen and start slamming cabinet doors searching for the grater.

In the back ground I hear one of the boys whisper "Mom's having one of her days. Everybody just shut up and smile!" Smart butt kid!!

I glance at the calendar on the frig and ... sure enough!!

I run to the bathroom, sobbing!

Does this sound familiar?  I know it has happened at my house and I suspect it has happened in homes of Christian mothers and wives everywhere.  I hate what the hormonal monster does to me.  I am usually an even-tempered, rational woman.  I don't like feeling mad, or weepy, or out-of control.  How does a Christian wife and mother deal with the hormonal monster?  We can't really make the hormones go away so.... what to do????

Well, while I believe that the hormones and their effect are real I don't believe that they are an excuse to sin.  The feelings are not sinful but the behavior can most definitely be sinful.  A few less drops of estrogen coursing through my veins doesn't give me a pass on self-control.

My momma often said that right attitudes often follow right actions.  In other words, sometimes you just do the right thing because its the right thing and often the right feelings will follow.

 Eph. 4:26 says

New International Version

"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

or.... I really like the New Living Translation for this situation.

New Living Translation (©2007)
And "don't sin by letting anger control you." Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry,

 So what do I do????

Pray for menopause!!!  :-D   No, really, pray.  Maybe not for menopause but for Jesus to help me control my actions.

Give myself a timeout.  Go take that bath.  Go for a walk.  Go sit on the porch for a few minutes.

That can't be all though, not if I've had a mini meltdown.  If I acted hateful I must make amends.  So I humbly go tell Hubby and the guys that I'm sorry and ask their forgiveness.  Asking for forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but rather strength.  After all, they witnessed my behavior!  No need to act like it didn't happen!  It would show my weakness for pride if I couldn't apologize.  (I admit that sometimes I am prideful but that's another post.)

And ask that the Lord help me practice self-control next month!

For the Lover of my soul and yours,

Laurie Jo


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