Saturday, July 14, 2012

Some Summer Deliciousness!!!

This is not original to me and I wish I could credit where I found it but I have No Clue!!!  So I'm sorry in advance for stealing!

This is such a delicious summer drink!!!  You must try it!  I think this is better than Steak and Shake or Sonic's version.

Diet Cherry Limeade

1 2-l of a diet lemon-lime soda (like Sprite)
1 can of frozen limeade
Juice of two limes
Juice from a jar of Marchinio cherries (1/2 to full jar depending on your taste)
Cherries and sliced limes for garnish

Mix all this together and enjoy poured over crushed ice!!  It's so very good and rather pretty too!

As you know if you have checked this blog out at all I'm really new to this blogging thing.  I will try to post a pic of this deliciousness sometime.


  1. Looking forward to following your blog! I am terrible about posting regular entries on my blog, but it is fun to just 'let go' and write. Congrats on 'drinking the koolaid' and writing a blog! :)

  2. Thanks, Lori. I have enjoyed writing it. Don't know how much more is left in me. I'm praying for inspiration everyday.
